Commission a Portrait from a Photo in Marin County

Friday, November 22, 2024

Vickie in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

My friend Vickie and I found ourselves in Turkmenistan with a tour group from OAT.  The country is filled with grand monuments to the leader.

The women wear beautiful clothing which is intricately embroidered.  They encouraged us to try it on.  I could not do the outfit Vickie was wearing justice in this painting, so I decided to just show a neck trim.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Jaxson in Four Techniques



This post is a result of an art assignment in a materials and techniques class.  The original photo of Jaxon was painted with four techniques: Silverpoint and paint pigments using egg, oil, and wax.



Oil Paint

Wax Encaustic

Egg Tempera

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Conquering Corona

This is a contemporary oil painting is from a charcoal drawing of Olimpio Fusco by John Singer Sargent dated 1900-1910.  Sargent chose to draw this young Italian boy for his beauty.

I needed a handsome, athletic man for my idea of crushing the corona virus so I picked Olimpio as my model. 

Sargent did drawings of the WWWI and contracted the Spanish Flu so I thought this was a good fit.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Conquering Corona

This is a modernized portrait portrait of the charocal drawing of Olimpio Fusco by John Singer Sargent date 1900-1910.  Singer chose to draw the young Italian boy for his beauty.

I needed a handsome athletic man to squeeze the life out of the corona virus.  Sargent survived the Spanish flu while in France in 1918.

I don't know what happened to Olimpio.

Olimpio Fusco 

John Singer Sargent

Friday, April 10, 2020

Michael Watching the Solar Eclipse

Michael watching the 2017 total solar eclipse in Hopkinsville, Kentucky.  

Obviously it hasn't happened yet as the sun is strong on the face and those eclipse glasses. 

The t-shirt is my rendition of what I think the total eclipse and solar flares looked like to those lucky enough to be observers.